Duncanville, Texas
Always Open
Mega Money Global / The Loan Source
megamoneyglobal@gmail.com theloansource2010@gmail.com
International Commercial Loans
Private Commercial Finance and Collaterals
Resorts, Hotels, Casinos, Attractions, Hospitality, & Tourism Financing
& Beyond
$3,000,000 USD - $300,000,000 USD (Domestic)
$5,000,00 USD - $300,000,000 USD (Otherwise)
We specialize in high-finance, collateral assets and underwriting a wide variety of projects, national and international. We are interested in almost any funding request that makes good business sense, if it is well collateralized, or has an extremely appealing revenue stream.
Please email for a Preliminary Application (Required).
Attn.: Theresa
Our mission is to get you the funding that you seek and an effortless and efficient manner.
Duncanville, Texas
Always Open